Sunday, 28 February 2010
7 Mortgage Marketing Tips for Loan Officers
It is my intention that these marketing tips will help you avoid common mistakes made by the majority of loan officers. Heed this advice!
Mortgage Marketing Tip #1
Make your advertising and print media more effective by having a headline on everything: letters, greeting cards, ads, everything.
Headlines are what get the reader. They make them want to read more. They tell the reader what benefit he/she will get from reading more. And that's exactly what you want them to do.
Make the headline powerful and include a benefit.
3 things you can do today to improve your credit
Here's something you might enjoy…
I started thinking of you when I read this article…
Make sure to include a headline in all your media and it will increase your results.
Mortgage Marketing Tip #2
When you do something for a client, brag about it.
What I mean is, if you accomplish something, make it a big deal.'
"Mr. Hity, I was holding my breath for a while, and that collection on your credit report made it real close, but I fought for you and got the lender to approve your loan!"
That's a lot better than saying, "Hi, your loan was approved today. Congrats."
Make yourself out to be the valuable professional you are. Make sure that your clients know exactly what you do for them.
Mortgage Marketing Tip #3
Write thank you notes to people everyday.
This one mortgage marketing tool can make you so much money your head will spin. Everyone loves to be appreciated and acknowledged. Being nice and having manners are a thing of the past. But when you take the time to thank someone, you connect to them on deeper level.
Get yourself some thank you cards from the stationery store and thank people who did something for you today. It could be for anything,
Thank your mailman for bringing the mail up to the office
Thank the underwriter for a speedy decision
Thank your client for calling to say they would be late
Thank the realtor for the referral.
These cards can make someone's day. And you really stand out from the crowd as a caring mortgage professional when you use them.
Mortgage Marketing Tip #4
If someone answers your phone for you, have him or her use the following line.,
"He/she is working with a client right now, let me see if he can take the call."
This does a couple things,
1. Makes you seem busy even if you are not. This shows the client that you are in demand and confirms that he made a good decision by choosing you.
2. Allows you to not talk to people you do not want to talk to
3. Allows you to say to the caller, if you pick up, that they are important enough to you to interrupt an important client meeting.
This might not be a "traditional" mortgage-marketing tool, but it will make you more desirable. And while it will not make the phone ring more, when it does, you will get respect from those on the other end of the line.
Mortgage Marketing Tip #5
Constant and Never Ending Improvement
Do something everyday to improve your business. 1 small change everyday can make a huge difference in a couple months. Implement one mortgage marketing tool at least once a week. At least.
Over the course of a couple years, the results will be dramatic.
Just one small thing is enough. Examples are:
· Hanging a certificate of completion on the wall
· Hanging a testimonial on the wall
· Adding a signature to your emails
· Adding a small consumer article to your website
· Subscribing to The Millionaire Loan Officer Newsletter at
· Reading the FREE articles on mortgage broker marketing at
Mortgage Marketing Tip #6
Look at other businesses for great ideas to adapt to your business
Most innovations come from other businesses.
Like the drive thru window. Who knows who started it, but fast food places use it, banks use it, pharmacies use it, and even restaurants are experiencing success with it.
What new services do you use that make your life easier? Can you adapt these to your business? How about emailing potential customers the interest rate everyday if they request it? Or Providing a Post-Closing Kit with items clients will need when moving?
You can use the marketing tools from other businesses too. If you see a marketing piece that really gets your attention, think about how to adapt it and use it in your business.
Mortgage Marketing Tip #7
It doesn't matter how good a loan officer you are - if you suck at marketing, you will starve.
Knowing how to get clients is infinitely more important than any other knowledge you may attain.
Tony Robbins is not the best NLP trainer out there, but he is the richest because he knows how to market himself.
The Men-Mars, Women-Venus guy is not the best marriage counselor out there, but he sure made a killing in books, tapes, and seminars.
The best mortgage lending marketing tools are available at's Mortgage Bookstore.
How much money you make has very little correlation to how much you know. Of course you must know the basics, but other than that, it makes very little difference at all.
He who markets best, makes the most money.
Saturday, 27 February 2010
7 Key Principles of Relationship Marketing to Attract Customers and Get Them to Stay on Your Life!
Most of business owners fail to effectively attract and retain lifetime customers. What they fail to realize is the key principles of relationship marketing, that converts potential customers into repeat clients.
To succeed in your business, your main goal should be to build a responsive email list of lifetime customers from your targeted market who trust you, feel grateful to you and value your recommendation.
A good relationship with loyal customers is worth a fortune. That's the most valuable thing any business can have. The key here is to build your large list of lifetime customers who trust you. Achieve this and you're set for life.
For that reason you need to learn the key principles of relationship marketing to be able to apply relationship marketing concepts to your web site.
What’s Relationship Marketing?
Relationship marketing is the method of gradually turning website visitors into subscribers and leads them from position to position along a planned program to convert them into life time customers.
Think of relationship building as the foundation to your business. It establishes you as a professional, trust worthy and a consistent source.
7 Key Principles of Relationship Marketing.
Building relationship online is more difficult when compared to offline relationship building. The techniques used are almost the same. But, turning a potential customer into lifetime customer offline is easier due to the nature of the process. In online marketing you can’t meet your clients in person like in offline marketing. But, you can deliver what you want if you think of your potential clients in each step you make when building your business. Relationship marketing is a process, not just a one-time commitment. It starts the moment you think about building a business and continue as long as you stay in.
1 - Know your potential customers.
Before you start building your business; you need to determine your targeted market and know your potential customers. Learn how to know your customers to develop effective tactics for delivering your message to them.
You can start getting to know your customers by taking some very simple steps.
- Determine in advance where your potential customers congregate.
- What newsletter they read?
- What forums they visit and post to?
- What else might do while surfing the net?
The best places where you find your prospects are forums, discussion groups and discussion boards. Visit forums of your targeted market and figure out:
- What’s your potential customers’ problem?
- What they are looking for?
- What kind of business they are involved in?
- How they want their problem to be solved?
- What words they use?
Only by knowing your customers' wants and needs you can successfully grow your business and be totally customer-oriented. In order to tailor your marketing and advertising strategies to appeal to the tastes and interests of your market, you must first identify your customer.
Relationship is not only based on knowing who your visitors are, but on knowing your customers’ and prospects’ specific needs.
Note: To attract more subscribers and build a strong relationship marketing the easy way use your prospects words. If you feel their pain and use their words when posting to forums, sending message, etc… they’ll be related to you. You will be one of them; you are not a stranger then they will be likely to trust you and consider your recommendation.
2 - Show your expertise.
The majority of business people, never completely and clearly display their knowledge to potential customers. Show to your targeted market you are the leader in your industry and they will follow you.
People like to learn about your experience. They like to follow the expert's steps to avoid mistakes and reach success the easy way with less investment in time and money.
3 - Start a dialog to establish trust.
Set up a continuing dialog to establish trust. Trust is a vital step to building long-time relationship. This dialog should starts as soon as your visitors submit information along with their email addresses. This explains their interest in your business. In return, you give them what promised when they subscribed and keep contacts at periodic intervals by sending quality information to your subscribers.
Your goal is to create long term relationships marketing with your subscribers. To do that you must invest time to gather available sources and high quality information and put it at your prospects’ disposal to help them succeed. Remember, maintaining customer enthusiasm and creating customer loyalty is your key to success.
4 - Follow up
Dialog leads to follow-up. Hook your subscribers with your follow up messages series. Set up a series of follow up messages to send quality information to every new subscriber. Professionalism is the key to successful relationship.
The main purpose of follow up is to remain visible to your subscribers so, when the need arise and your prospect wants to make a purchase, your product will be the first one the subscriber thinks of.
If you want to make good money your mission will not cease at selling your product. Going after one sale is worthless. Following up with your customer after the sale is made is a great tactic. This important step will help you strength your relationship, decrease the refund proclamations and keep your customer baying from you again and a gain.
Keep following up; don’t stop and be creative. Don’t send your customers only sales messages. From time to time send free useful product they don’t find elsewhere that can help them make money and/or save time. Send special offers with discount for loyal customers only. Keep them up to date and to the point with latest news, etc…
5 - Offer good customer service.
Some people will start an online business and only focus on what services or products they can sell to make good money. They are not worried about establishing good relationship with their customers and potential clients.
- Answer your prospects’ requests as soon as you receive them.
- Replay to every email within 24 hours with the needed response whether it is a question, concern or simply someone looking for more information.
- Treat your customers right. Even if you offer the best products or services, most customers will evaluate your business by how they were treated while doing business with you. For that reason, it's important to take care of your customers and give them the best product or service they want.
By providing great customer service to the people you do business with, you will get customers coming back to you again and again to buy your products or services.
Note: If you want to stay in your customers’ minds serve them better. You can do this by collecting information from your customers’ feedback. Having a contacts page on your website with a comments or feedback form will keep you informed about your customers’ wants and problems. If you publish a newsletter, you can also accomplish this by asking for feedback from your subscribers.
This is a great way of making your audience know you care about what they have to say and how important they are to you. When you show interest in your customers you will build credibility and loyalty.
6 - Educate your subscribers.
Put at your customers disposal manuals, frequently asked question (FAQ) web page, articles, etc… to help them learn how to use your product or service perfectly. Educate your subscribers to help them build interest and loyalty for your business.
Lifetime clients want you to be their trusted advisor. The more you educate your customers by offering them a variety of options, the greater your chance to earn their lifetime business. Education strengthens relationship marketing with clients.
7 - Sell or recommend only quality products.
Sell quality products that have value, plus offer a guarantee and stand behind it. One of the quickest ways to destroy a business relationship is selling poor quality products and not standing behind what you promise.
If you want to promote other marketers’ affiliate programs from your website, take the time to investigate the companies you advocate. Promote only products from legitimate companies with solid Internet presence. Remember the companies you suggest will have an impact on your business reputation.
Relationship marketing is the corner stone of every business. If you follow these key principles of relationship marketing, you'll be on your way to building a responsive opt in email list which will lead to more and better sales.
Friday, 26 February 2010
5 Tips To Discourage Tire-Kickers And Attract Serious, Paying Clients
Do you feel that you're wasting valuable marketing efforts on tire-kickers: a large and growing market segment? They subscribe to all your free offers -- but leave their credit cards behind.
Early in my business life, I talked to anyone and everyone, enthusiastically. I gave away classes, e-books, articles and more.
But soon I was forced to confront the reality of opportunity cost. While I was chatting happily with the freebie-seekers, I lost the opportunity to update my websites, create new products and write more articles. -- activities that would most likely bring "real" paying clients.
1. Communicate “professional” and “commercial” on every page of your website.
Like many professionals-turned-marketers, I was nervous about sounding too sales-y. But when I began learning more about copywriting, especially copy for the web, my style became more direct. As soon as you arrived on my website, you knew: Sales were happening here.
What I learned: Serious buyers rarely got turned off. They want to be sold. Freebie-seekers and tire-kickers got the message quickly: You have to pay to play.
2. Create low-cost or no-cost products that deliver bite-sized portions of your expertise.
Serious buyers want to assess your style and expertise before buying. They may want to develop a relationship before handing over their credit cards.
So you need the basics: website content, ebooks, ezines and audio. You may even offer one-time consulting sessions so prospective clients can get a sense of your style.
3. Donate services for everyone’s benefit - not to help a single needy visitor.
Back in the early days, I felt sorry for everyone who called. But soon I discovered a hard truth. These “needy” folks were paying large sums to more experienced consultants who knew how to say "No!"
If you genuinely want to help others, donate your services through nonprofit and charitable organizations where you will get recognition, testimonials and possibly future referrals.
Sounds self-serving?
When I volunteered with a pet adoption center, many years ago, the coordinator warned, "Those who volunteer for selfish reasons will do better in the long run than those who bring dreams of saving the world." She was right.
Clients will get better service from a non-profit agency dedicated to filling their needs than from a reluctant but sympathetic consultant.
4. Clarify your business status as soon as anyone calls.
Some folks will call before they visit your website. Maybe they’ve seen an article or heard you speak – and they’re psyched. But often they're confused about what you offer.
Typically, your caller begins with, "I need help! Can you advise me about my career change?"
If you're a career consultant, your best answer will be, "Probably yes. Please visit my website and review my schedule of programs and fees."
Serious buyers will appreciate this message. "How much does it cost" is a signal of intention to buy.
5. Turn discount services into promotion tools.
Every so often clients present unique, interesting problems. They can’t pay -- but you’d enjoy the challenge of finding solutions.
You may be tempted to offer scounted service in return for a testimonial or referral. These clients rarely value what you offer, so they deliver lukewarm testimonials.
Instead, get permission to record a call, which you can use as a demo on your website. Or ask to write up their stories as a case study, which can be sold as a Special Report.
Finally, pay attention to the way you choose your own services. Most of us unconsciously send messages that attract people with similar attitudes.
Recently “Ernestine” asked me how to network with coaches she admired. “I’ve seen their websites,” she said, “and I’d love to chat with them as colleagues.”
I advised Ernestine to subscribe to their ezines instead. “Then maybe buy an ebook or two,” I suggested, “and perhaps take a class. But the days of free mentorship are long gone.”
One of Ernestine’s role models sent a warm thank-you following an ebook purchase. Ernestine responded and they had a brief email exchange. Another coach encouraged participation in a Q&A class.
Most of all, Ernestine's ebook purchases helped her decide how to choose her paid mentor. She didn’t waste her time – and theirs – and she presented herself as a professional, not a needy person.
Thursday, 25 February 2010
4 Methods To Master The #1 Success Secret Of Infopreneuring (2 of 3)
If you don't have good fresh content to use for new products, your momentum comes to a crashing halt and so does your business.
So the question begs itself, how do you consistently create new content?
Here are your four basic options:
1) You can continually write your own materials...and you should.
2) You can record your thoughts and get them transcribed... and you should.
3) You can hire a ghostwriter to write materials for you... and you should.
4) You can purchase the rights to content that you can resell... and you should do this as well.
Each option has its own positives and negatives but in my opinion you should be doing a little bit of each.
Let me explain...
3) You can hire a ghostwriter to write materials for you
Hiring a ghost writer has some major advantages and disadvantages. First and foremost it takes a HUGE burden off your shoulders to create original content. Secondly it frees up a lot of your time. Third, it feels great when you get an email from your ghostwriter and the ebook/book/manual/article(s) are all complete and ready to go - it truly is the magic pill.
There are some downsides however. The first one is the cost.
Depending on your project, it can cost anywhere between $400-$3,000 to get an ebook, book or manual created.
This is relatively cheap when you think about the fact that you can now sell that content and profit from it as long as you sell it, but it still costs quite a bit.
The second major downside is the time it takes to communicate with the ghostwriter. If you are anything like me, you don't want to be sending out crappy information. So that means YOU DO have to involve yourself in the process.
Forget what all the "gurus" try to tell you about how easy it is to just hire a ghostwriter and wake up with a finished product.
You tell me if this process is as easy as slapping down a check and receiving a perfect book a few days later:
First you send your initial thoughts and plans for what you want. Then they send back their outline, you make adjustments to the outline, and a few days later they send back the proof for the outline.
Once the outline is completed you give the go-ahead and they write the rough draft. Obviously this takes some time (usually between 1 week and 2 months depending on your project) but once they have completed the rough draft its up to you to read the rough draft and suggest any changes.
You’ll want to go over the rough draft with a fine tooth comb to prevent the writer from going in a direction you didn’t want. This isn’t any small task but its well worth the effort because you are ensuring that the product you are creating is of a high standard.
When you finish the edit of the rough draft the ghostwriter makes the adjustments and then sends you a final draft. You read the final draft and give the final ok.
Phew!! That’s a lot more than just placing a bid on eLance and having a book show up on your doorstep ready to sell.
Now, if you care about the quality of the products you create please pay close attention to this next sentence.
You need to actually READ what the ghostwriter has created for you.
It will almost always require you to make some final changes. Make sure you get EXACTLY what you are looking for otherwise it's a product that you yourself haven't even completely read.
Would that make you comfortable selling something with your name on it and you don't know everything contained inside?
I can't tell you how many products I have purchased only to find it was the same old stuff just rehashed. Read what they write for you. Create quality content!!
So although a ghostwriter does save you a TREMENDOUS amount of time, please don't be fooled into thinking that once you hand over the assignment your work is done. It's not... unless you want to create a crappy product.
It still takes work but it's A LOT easier and takes WAY less time once you have the raw materials to work with. Your job is to polish that collection of raw ideas into the high quality product that would make even your Mom proud :)
If you enjoyed this article make sure to look up the other two articles in the series dealing with the other 3 methods of creating content: Part 1 - Writing your own materials and Recording Your Thoughts and coming soon, Part 3 - Purchasing The Rights Of Content You Can Resell!
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
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Tuesday, 23 February 2010
3 High-Impact Fixes For Your Marketing Woes
How many times has your competitor gotten one over on you? The feeling of being left behind just eats away, until you do something about. The problem is that we often feel that we've got to come up with some grand plan in order to get our business skyrocketing again. Don't be fooled! Getting back on top of the market isn't as tough as it seems with these high-impact, easy-to-use fixes.
1. The Magic Number - 1
Implement a "advertise 1 item at a time" motto for your advertising strategy. Does that mean you can't SELL more than one item at a time? No... but wait until AFTER the sale.
When a customer sees more than one of a product offered at unbelievably low prices, he's confused. Which one is the better deal? Which one does he prefer? These questions encourage procrastination - one of marketing's greatest thieves. Instead, offer the consumer a product that compliments his purchase in a nearby display... or even at the register. You'll make extra profits instead of losing a sale.
2. Outsmart Your Competitors
Your competition is looking for you in all of the usual places. Don't go there. Quietly look for new methods of advertising and new markets to target.
Niche markets provide the perfect sneak tactic for reaching new clients. Here's they key... sub-divide your current market into smaller, more specific niche markets. Familiarize yourself with the needs and concerns of the niche, then present yourself as the pro in their corner. Leave your competition in the dust with the intensity of new prospects that will come your way.
Modernize an old marketing technique that still carries a wallop - postcards. Yeah, these small, inexpensive marketing tools still carry a personal message that is quick and easy to read, but with new high-impact colors and designs that capture the attention of readers. Your competition won't even know that you're using them!
3. Encourage Communication
Communication is crucial to understanding your consumers. Encourage questions before the sale, during the sale and after the sale. Make it easy and comfortable.
Provide convenient contact information on all of your sales materials, including Websites. If you find yourself overloaded with questions, create a frequently asked question page where clients can get the answers they need without claiming as much of your time.
Confused customers, tough competitors and communication mishaps won't steal profits from your account when you fix things up with the 3 quick tips.
Monday, 22 February 2010
“How To” Start Trading The Forex Market? (Part 6)
Forex Price Charts, what DO they mean and HOW to use them?
Important numerous facts as discipline, trading rules, not being greedy etc., but one of the most important things is:
LEARN to read the charts as Charts represent the lifeblood of the market.
I admit that reading charts, and interpreting patterns, are more an art than a skill. Base and apply your entry and exit decisions on YOUR OWN combined methods of technical and fundamental analysis.
FOREX charts, are easier to interpret and to use. They reflect a slower moving, stable economy of a country, compared to the stock market, with its daily drama of company reports, Wall Street Analysts and shareholder demands.
Unlike stocks, currency charts do not spend much time in trading ranges and have the tendency to develop strong trends. Furthermore, Forex with its 4 Mayor currencies is easier to analyze than tens of thousands of stocks.
(Mayor currencies are: USD/JPY, EUR/USD, GBP/USD and USD/CHF)
The complimentary FREE live charting software, with the ultimate cutting edge technology provided by , will be absolutely sufficient for you to analyze and watch any one currency pair. Understanding just a few basic points about the technical analysis of currency chart can lead to increased profit potential.
Pricing - Price reflects the perceptions and action taken by the market participants. It is the dealing between buyers and sellers in the Over-The-Counter (OTC) or “interbank” market that creates price movement. Therefore, all fundamental factors are quickly discounted in price. By studying the price charts, you are indirectly seeing the fundamental and market psychology all at once , after all the market is fed by two emotions - Greed and Fear – and once you understand that, then you begin to understand the psychology of the market and how it relates to the chart patterns.
Data Window Chart – FCM and most online charting stations, when you click on a price bar or candlestick, it will display a small box of data usually called a display window which will contain the following items:
H = Highest Price
L = Lowest Price
O = Opening Price
C = Close Price (or Last Price)
The most common types of price bars, used in FOREX trading, are the Bar Chart and the Candlestick chart:
Bars Charts -
Price bars are a linear representation (a line) of a period of time. This enables the viewer to see a graphic representation summarizing the activity of a specific time frame. As an example, I use 10 minutes, 60 minutes and daily time interval for my systems. Each bar has similar characteristics and tells the viewer several important pieces of information.
First, the highest point of the bar represents the highest price that was achieved during that time period. The lowest point of the bar represents the lowest price during the same period. Regular bars display a small dot on the left side of the bar which represents the opening price of the period and the small dot on the right side represents the closing price of the period.
Candlesticks - Japanese Candlesticks, or simply Candlesticks as they are now known, are used to represent the same information as Price bars. The only difference is that the difference between the open and close form the body of a box which is displayed with a color inside. A red color means that the close was lower than the open, and the blue color represents that the close was higher than the open.
If the box has a line going up from the box it represents the high and is called the wick. If the box has a line going down from the box, it represents the low and is called the tail.
Many interpretations can be made from these "candlesticks" and many books have been written on the art of interpreting these bars.
Chart Intervals & Time Frames:
A chart Time Scale & Period, or time frame, basically refers to the duration of time that passes between the OPEN and the CLOSE of a bar or candlestick.
For instance, with your broker software, you will be able to view a currency pair, in a 1-hour time frame over a 2-day period, 5-day period, 10-day period, 20-day period and 30- day period.
Most of the short-term time intervals (5-min and 1-min charts) are used for entry and exit points and the longer- term time intervals (1-hour and daily charts) are used to see where the general trend is.
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